Joseph Kishore and Jerry White

Socialist Equality Party 2024 presidential campaign

Fight for socialism in 2024!

Against capitalism, inequality, war and dictatorship!

Support the socialist candidates in the 2024 US Presidential Elections. Joseph Kishore for President and Jerry White for Vice President.

Joseph Kishore and Jerry White


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Stay up-to-date on political developments and important campaign events.

A Program for the Working Classa socialist and international campaignin the 2024 US election

David NorthPlay video

David North

National Chairman, SEP

David North, who has played a leading role in the American and international socialist movement for more than 50 years, explains the principles and program that the Socialist Equality Party is advancing in the 2024 election.

Joseph KishorePlay video

Joseph Kishore

For US President, SEP

Joseph Kishore, the SEP (US) national secretary since 2008, analyzes the political crisis of American democracy and its connection to the growing struggles of the working class, which has become increasingly receptive to a genuine socialist program.

Jerry WhitePlay video

Jerry White

For US Vice President, SEP

Jerry White, labor editor of the World Socialist Web Site, places our election campaign in its historical context of over a century of struggles by the American working class.

Learn more about the candidates

Workers at the February 2019 rally against General Motors layoffs

The Socialist Equality Party

The Socialist Equality Party is organizing the working class in the fight for socialism: the reorganization of all of economic life to serve social needs, not private profit. The fight for socialism is at the same time a fight against war, authoritarianism, environmental degradation and all the consequences of capitalist society.

Socialism must be fought for and won by the working class itself. It will be achieved only through a revolutionary movement that has as its aim the establishment of workers' power.

All the great problems confronting mankind are global problems that require global solutions. The fight for socialism, therefore, requires the unity and collaboration of workers in every country on the basis of a common program and perspective.