Socialist Equality Party on the ballot in Michigan!

Joseph Kishore

I am proud to announce that the Socialist Equality Party campaign of myself and Jerry White will be on the ballot in the state of Michigan. The Board of Canvassers met this morning and officially voted to approve our petition for ballot access.

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The SEP campaign succeeded in overcoming the deeply undemocratic restrictions that have been set up by the Democratic and Republican parties to prevent third parties and independent candidates from appearing on the ballot.

Over the course of five months, SEP supporters gathered over 20,000 signatures from registered voters, far in excess of the required 12,000. In doing so, we succeeded in making it impossible for the Democrats in particular to try to challenge our signatures and keep us off the ballot. 

In the course of this campaign, we spoke with hundreds of thousands of people. These discussions made clear the enormous opposition to war, extreme levels of social inequality and the turn of the ruling class toward dictatorship and fascism. 

Obtaining ballot status for the Socialist Equality Party campaign in Michigan is of immense national and international significance. 

Michigan will be a critical battleground state in the 2024 presidential elections. In 2020, it was a center of the fascistic plotting of Trump and the Republicans, which included a conspiracy to kidnap and assassinate the state's governor. 

The states is also the historic center of auto manufacturing in the United States, and there is a growing anger in the working class against capitalist exploitation and the participation of the trade union apparatus in it. The SEP campaign is waging a fight to stop the mass layoffs at Warren Truck Assembly Plant, in Suburban Detroit, which is a spearhead for a national and global assault on jobs. 

The Socialist Equality Party will use this campaign to fight for a socialist leadership in the working class. Jerry White and I will oppose both the Democrats and Republicans, the parties of the corporate and financial oligarchy. 

The SEP will fight to mobilize the working class against the genocide in Gaza, backed by both parties, and the escalating US-NATO war against Russia. We will oppose the turn by the ruling elites toward fascism and dictatorship.

The SEP will expose the UAW apparatus, which is playing a central role in the war agenda of the ruling class, while collaborating in the layoff of autoworkers, including more than 2,000 workers at Warren Truck in Michigan, which are set to take place on October 8.

And we will fight for an understanding in the working class that our social and democratic rights can only be defended through a frontal assault on the wealth and privileges of the capitalist oligarchs.

In our election campaign, in Michigan, throughout the US and indeed internationally, we will build a leadership in the working class that fights for the socialist reorganization of society.

Capitalism has failed and must be ended. Socialism is the future. 

Getting ballot status in Michigan is a major victory. Over the course of the next 10 weeks we will campaign aggressively among workers and young people, in the factories and workplaces, the universities, schools and neighborhoods. 

We need your support! Make a donation today to help us continue this fight, and to develop the SEP election campaign in Michigan, throughout the US and around the world. Sign up to volunteer and get involved.

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